Invited talks — Conference presentations
1 Research
In my research I am motivated to increase survey quality and thus my work for international and national surveys and my research have always been tightly connected. Together with colleagues I was able to benefit greatly from the funding that we acquired over the years and I am grateful for the collaborations that have resulted in more than 50 publications and over 100 presentations.Research Interests at a Glance:
- probability-based online surveys of the general population
- maintaining online panels
- survey methodology
- questionnaire design
- mixed-mode surveys
- human-survey interaction
- contact protocols
- incentive strategies
- eyetracking
- total survey error (coverage, nonresponse, measurement, processing)
2 Publications
2.1 Peer-reviewed journal articles
- Rossmann, J., Gummer, T., Kaczmirek L. (in print). Working with User Agent Strings in Stata: The parseuas Command. Journal of Statistical Software, xx, xx, xx-xx. doi:10.18637/jss.v000.i00
- Gweon, H., Schonlau, M., Kaczmirek, L., Blohm, M., Steiner, S. (2017). Three methods for occupation coding based on statistical learning. Journal of Official Statistics, 33, 101-122. doi:10.1515/jos-2017-0006
- Struminskaya, B., De Leeuw, E., Kaczmirek, L. (2015). Mode system effects in an online panel study: Comparing a probability-based online panel with two face-to-face reference surveys. Methods, data, analyses, 9, 3-56. doi:10.12758/mda.2015.001
- Behr, D., Braun, M., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W. (2014). Item comparability in cross-national surveys: results from asking probing questions in cross-national web surveys about attitudes towards civil disobedience. Quality & Quantity, 48, 127-148. doi:10.1007/s11135-012-9754-8
- Behr, D., Bandilla, W., Kaczmirek, L., Braun, M. (2014). Cognitive probes in web surveys: on the effect of different text box size and probing exposure on response quality. Social Science Computer Review, 32, 524-533. doi:1177/0894439313485203
- Lenzner, T., Kaczmirek, L., Galesic, M. (2014). Left feels right! A usability study on the position of answer boxes in web surveys. Social Science Computer Review. 32, 743-764. doi:10.1177/0894439313517532
- Menold, N., Kaczmirek, L., Lenzner, T., Neusar, A. (2014). How do respondents attend to verbal labels in rating scales?. Field Methods, 26, 21-39. doi:1177/1525822X13508270
- Braun, M., Behr, D., Kaczmirek, L. (2013). Assessing cross-national equivalence of measures of xenophobia: evidence from probing in web surveys. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 25, 383-395. doi:1093/ijpor/eds034
- Bosnjak, M., Haas, I., Galesic, M., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W., Couper, M. (2013). Sample composition discrepancies in different stages of a probability-based online panel. Field Methods, 25, 339-360. doi:10.1177/1525822X12472951
- Behr, D., Braun, M., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W. (2013). Testing the validity of gender ideology items by implementing probing questions in web surveys. Field Methods, 25, 124-141. doi:10.1177/1525822X12462525
- Behr, D., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W., Braun, M. (2012): Asking probing questions in web surveys: Which factors have an impact on the quality of responses? Social Science Computer Review. doi:1177/0894439311435305
- Lenzner, T., Kaczmirek, L., Galesic, M. (2011). Seeing through the eyes of the respondent: An eye-tracking study on survey question comprehension. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 23, 361-373. doi:1093/ijpor/edq053
- Lenzner, T., Kaczmirek, L., Lenzner, A. (2010). Cognitive burden of survey questions and response times: A psycholinguistic experiment. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24, 1003-1020. doi:10.1002/acp.1602
- Bosnjak, M., Neubarth, W., Couper, M. P., Bandilla, W., Kaczmirek, L. (2008). Prenotification in web-based access panel surveys: The influence of mobile text messaging versus e-mail on response rates and sample composition. Social Science Computer Review, 26, 213-223. doi:1177/0894439307305895
- Kaczmirek, L. (2005): Das Web Survey Methodology Portal: ein Informationsportal zu internetbasierten Datenerhebungsverfahren. ZUMA-Nachrichten, 56, 98-103
- Kaczmirek, L., Liebig, C., Schütze, H.-J. (2002). Gebrauchstauglichkeit der Ergebnisseiten von Suchmaschinen. Mannheimer Beiträge zur Wirtschafts- und Organisationspsychologie, 17, 43-54. [Usability of search engine result pages] The article was reprinted in Weiterbildender Masterstudiengang Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. Methoden der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 04/05, FernUniversität in Hagen.
2.2 Peer-reviewed papers in proceedings of conferences
- Kaczmirek, L., Wolff, K. G. (2007). Survey design for visually impaired and blind people. Universal Access in HCI, Part I, HCII 2007, LNCS 4554, pp. 374-381. Berlin: Springer.
- Thiele, O., Sütterlin P., Kaczmirek, L. (2005). Evaluation of user interfaces for displaying text messages on mobile devices. Paper presented at the IASTED International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (IASTED-HCI 2005), November 14-16, 2005, Phoenix, USA.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2003). Gebrauchstauglichkeit der Ergebnisseiten von Suchmaschinen. In G. Szwillus, J. Ziegler (Eds.), Mensch & Computer 2003: Interaktion in Bewegung (pp. 337-347). Stuttgart: B. G. Teubner. The article was reprinted in Weiterbildender Masterstudiengang Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. Methoden der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 10/05, FernUniversität in Hagen.
2.3 Book chapters
- Behr, D., Meitinger, K., Braun, M., Kaczmirek, L. (in print). Cross-National Web Probing: An Overview of its Methodology and its Use in Cross-National Studies. In P. C. Beatty, A. Wilmot, D. Collins, L. Kaye, J. L. Padilla, and G. Willis (Eds.), Advances in Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation and Testing (pp. xx-xx). New York: Wiley
- Kaczmirek, L. & Chalupa, J. (2018). Datenquellen und Standarduntersuchungen zur Online-Kommunikation [Data sources and standard surveys in online communication]. In Schweiger, W., K. Beck (Eds.), Handbuch Online-Kommunikation [handbook online communication] Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-18017-1_22-1
- Kaczmirek, L. (2017). Online survey software. In N. G. Fielding, R. M. Lee, G. Blank (Eds.), The Sage handbook of online research methods (pp. 203-219). London: Sage.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2014). Conducting web surveys: Overview and introduction. In U. Engel, B. Jann, P. Lynn, A. Scherpenzeel, P. Sturgis (Eds.), Improving Survey Methods: Lessons from Recent Research (pp. 153-155). New York: Routledge.
- Braun, M., Behr, D., Kaczmirek, L., & Bandilla, W. (2014). Evaluating cross-national item equivalence with probing questions in web surveys. In U. Engel, B. Jann, P. Lynn, A. Scherpenzeel, P. Sturgis (Eds.), Improving survey methods: Lessons from recent research (pp. 184-200). New York: Routledge.
- Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L., Schaurer, I., Bandilla, W. (2014). Assessing representativeness of a probability-based online panel in Germany. In M. Callegaro, R. Baker, J. Bethlehem, A. Göritz, J. A. Krosnick, P. J. Lavrakas (Eds.), Online Panel Research: A Data Quality Perspective, Wiley series in survey methodology, (pp. 61-84). New York: Wiley.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2011). Attention and usability in internet surveys: Effects of visual feedback in grid questions. In M. Das, P. Ester, L. Kaczmirek (Eds.), Social and Behavioral Research and the Internet: Advances in Applied Methods and Research Strategies (pp. 191-214). New York: Routledge.
- Kaczmirek, L., Raabe, J. (2010). Datenquellen und Standarduntersuchungen zur Online-Kommunikation. In W. Schweiger, K. Beck (Eds.), Handbuch Onlinekommunikation (S. 518-540). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag der Sozialwissenschaften.
- Thiele, O., Kaczmirek, L. (2010). Security and data protection: Collection, storage, feedback in internet research. In S. D. Gosling, J. A. Johnson (Eds.), Advanced methods for behavioral research on the Internet (pp. 235-253). Washington: American Psychological Association.
- Kaczmirek, L., Baier, C., Züll, C. (2010). Wie empfinden Teilnehmer die Fragen in Online-Befragungen? Entwicklung eines Diktionärs für die automatische Codierung freier Antworten. In M. Welker, C. Wünsch (Eds.), Die Online-Inhaltsanalyse: Von der Konzeption über die Datenerhebung bis zur Auswertung (S. 191-223). Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.
- Bandilla, W., Kaczmirek, L., Blohm, M. Neubarth, W. (2009). Coverage- und Nonresponse-Effekte bei Online-Bevölkerungsumfragen. In N. Jackob; H. Schoen T. Zerback (Hrsg.), Sozialforschung im Internet: Methodologie und Praxis der Online-Befragung (S. 129-143). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2008). Internet survey software tools. In N. Fielding, R. Lee, G. Blank (Eds.), The Handbook of Online Research Methods (pp. 236-254). London: Sage Publications.
- Faass, T., Kaczmirek, L., Lenzner, A. (2008). Psycholinguistic determinants of question difficulty: A web experiment. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Social Science Methodology (RC33) [cd-rom], University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy.
- Kaczmirek, L., Neubarth, W. (2007). Nicht-reaktive Datenerhebung: Teilnahmeverhalten bei Befragungen mit Paradaten evaluieren. In Deutsche Gesellschaft für Online-Forschung (Eds.): Online-Forschung 2007: Grundlagen und Fallstudien (S. 293-311). Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.
- Kaczmirek, L., Liebig, C., Schütze, H.-J. (2003). Information und Selektion. Gebrauchstauglichkeit der Ergebnisseiten von Suchmaschinen (Poster). In W. Bungard, I. Jöns, S. Sonnentag, R. Trimpop (Eds.), Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Mannheim, Germany.
2.4 Other journal articles and magazines
- Merkle, B., Kaczmirek, L., Hellwig, O. (2016). ‘Du kommst hier nicht rein’ Türsteherfragen identifizieren nachlässige Teilnehmer in Online-Umfragen. Planung & Analyse, 2016 (1), 36-40.
- Bandilla, W., Couper, M. P., Kaczmirek, L. (2014). The Effectiveness of Mailed Invitations for Web Surveys and the Representativeness of Mixed-Mode versus Internet-only Samples. Survey Practice, 7 (4), 1-9.
- Bandilla, W., Couper, M. P., Kaczmirek, L. (2012). The mode of invitation for web surveys. Survey Practice, 5.
- Eppelin, A., Pampel, H., Bandilla, W., Kaczmirek, L. (2012). Umgang mit Open-Access-Publikationsgebühren: die Situation in Deutschland in 2010. GMS Medizin - Bibliothek - Information, 12, 1-12. Doi:3205/mbi000240
- Steinmetz, S., Slavec, A., Tijdens, K., Reips, U.-D., de Pedraza, P., Popescu, A. ..., Kaczmirek, L., et al. (2014). Innovation and quality in web-based data collection [Supplement]. International Journal of Internet Science 9, 64-71.
- Steinmetz, S., Kaczmirek, L., de Pedraza, P., Reips, U.-D., Tijdens, K., Lozar Manfreda, K., et al. (2012). WEBDATANET: a network on web-based data collection, methodological challenges, solutions and implementation [Supplement]. International Journal of Internet Science, 7, 78-89.
- Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L., Schaurer, I., Bandilla, W., Gabler, S., Häder, S. (2011). Identifying non-working numbers in cell phone RDD samples via HLR-Lookup technology: Reduced survey costs and higher precision in response rate calculation. Survey Practice, August.
- Neubarth, W., Kaczmirek, L., Hellwig, O. (2007). Online-Türöffner: Vergleichsstudie zu Programmiervarianten von Rekrutierungs-E-Mails. Research & Results, 4, 34-35.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2005). Web surveys. A brief guide on usability and implementation issues. In M. Hassenzahl, M. Peissner (Eds.), Usability Professionals 2005 (pp. 102-105). German Chapter der Usability Professionals Association e.V.
2.5 Edited volumes and monographs
- Kaczmirek, L., Hellwig, O., Tabino, O., Thielsch, M. T., Wachenfeld, A. (Eds.). (2015). Shaping Online Research: 17th General Online Research Conference. (Proceedings). Cologne: DGOF.
- Kaczmirek, L., Hellwig, O., Tabino, O., Taddicken, M., Wachenfeld, A. (Eds.). (2014). 16th General Online Research Conference. (Proceedings). Cologne: DGOF.
- Kaczmirek, L., Irmer, C., Hellwig, O., Taddicken, M. (Eds.). (2013). 15th General Online Research Conference GOR 13. (Proceedings). Cologne: DGOF.
- Kaczmirek, L., Irmer, C., Hellwig, O., Taddicken, M., Welker, M., (Eds.). (2012). 14th General Online Research Conference GOR 12. (Proceedings). Cologne: DGOF.
- Das, M., Ester, P., Kaczmirek, L. (Eds.). (2011). Social and Behavioral Research and the Internet: Advances in Applied Methods and Research Strategies. New York: Routledge.
- Taddicken, M., Welker, M., Geißler, H., Kaczmirek, L. (Eds.). (2011). 13th General Online Research Conference GOR 11. (Proceedings). Cologne: DGOF.
- Welker, M., Geißler, H., Kaczmirek, L., Wenzel, O. (Eds.). (2010). 12th General Online Research Conference GOR 10. (Proceedings). Cologne: DGOF.
- Kaczmirek, L., Kohl, B. (1997). Einführung in Windows 95 und MS-DOS 7.0. Mannheim: Novalis-Verlag.
2.6 Book reviews
- Kaczmirek, L. (2014). Roger Tourangeau, Frederick G. Conrad, and Mick P. Couper. The Science of Web Surveys. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2013. 208 pp. $67.95 (paper). Public Opinion Quarterly. doi:1093/poq/nfu033
2.7 PhD and master theses
This section lists the PhD thesis and the master thesis. Both books are available in different editions.- Kaczmirek, L. (2009). Human-Survey Interaction: Usability and Nonresponse in Online Surveys. Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag. [Modified reprint of the 2008 book].
- Kaczmirek, L. (2008). Human-Survey Interaction: Usability and Nonresponse in Online Surveys. Mannheim: MADOC (Mannheim Electronic Document Server). [Dissertation].
- Kaczmirek, L. (2007). Verloren im Informationsdschungel: Gebrauchstauglichkeit der Ergebnisseiten von Suchmaschinen. Saarbrücken: Vdm Verlag Dr. Müller. [Reprint of the 2006 book].
- Kaczmirek, L. (2006). Information und Selektion. Gebrauchstauglichkeit der Ergebnisseiten von Suchmaschinen. Mannheim: MADOC (Mannheim Electronic Document Server). [Information and Selection. Usability of search engine result pages]. [Open access reprint of the 2003 book].
- Kaczmirek, L. (2003). Information und Selektion. Gebrauchstauglichkeit der Ergebnisseiten von Suchmaschinen. Diplomarbeit, Universität Mannheim. [Information and Selection. Usability of search engine result pages] [Diplomarbeit] Awarded with the Otto-Selz-Preis 2004 of the University of Mannheim.
3 Presentations
3.1 Invited talks
- Kaczmirek, L. (2014). Wenn Teilnehmer nicht ausführlich genug Antworten: Wie man mit automatisiertem Nachfragen die Datenqualität bei offenen Angaben erhöhen kann. Questback Kundenevent, 18.09.2014, Köln.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2013). Design und Durchführung von Online-Befragungen. Vortrag in der Ringvorlesung Empirische Forschungsmethoden 1. Kassel, 27.05.2013.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2011, June). Methodentest, Befunde, Fragen und Anregungen aus GESIS-Sicht. Die Sozialerhebung im Methodentest: Vergleich der postalisch-schriftlichen Befragung mit der Online-Testbefragung. HIS Expertenworkshop, Hannover.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2011, May). Online panel pilot study in Germany. Concept and recruitment strategy. CentERdata Kolloquium, Tilburg.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2011, May). Online survey methodology and eye-tracking. Experiments about respondents' behavior in reading e-mail invitations, question understanding and response options. Nederlandstalig Platform voor Survey-Onderzoek: Het testen van vragenlijsten, Amsterdam.
- Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L., Schaurer, I., Bandilla, W., Gabler, S., Häder, S. (2011, October). Die Nutzung von HLR-Lookup zum Vorab-Check von Mobilfunknummern. MOBILSAMPLE-Tagung, Dresden.
- Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L., Schaurer, I., Bandilla, W., Gabler, S., Häder, S. (2011, September). Möglichkeiten zur Steigerung der Effizienz in Mobilfunkumfragen: Das Beispiel HLR-Lookup. SymanO, Mannheim.
- Lenzner, T., Kaczmirek, L., Galesic, M. (2010, August). Seeing through the eyes of the respondent: An eye-tracking study on survey question comprehension. Innovations in Internet interviewing (4th MESS workshop), Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2010, July). Developing a research framework for usability in online surveys: Human-survey interaction. ESRC Research Methods Festival, Oxford, UK.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2010, July). Optimizing response rates in online surveys. ESRC Research Methods Festival, Oxford, UK.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2009, November). Nutzerfreundliches Fragebogendesign: Usability und Nonresponse in Online Befragungen. Expertenforum, Hürth, Germany.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2009, September). Easier surveys and higher completion rates: The impact of accessibility and usability in internet survey design. 1st International Workshop on Internet Survey, Daejeon, Korea.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2008, December). Human-survey interaction: Usability and nonresponse in online surveys. Unipark Anwendertag, Hürth, Germany
- Kaczmirek, L. (2008, August). Increasing item completion rates in matrix questions. Workshop on Measurement and Experimentation with Internet Panels, Zeist, The Netherlands.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2007, September). Online-Befragungen. Nacht der Wissenschaft, Mannheim.
- Neubarth, W., Kaczmirek, L. (2007, September). Applications of the Document Object Model (DOM) in web-surveys. Workshop on Internet Survey Methodology, Lillehammer, Norway.
- Bandilla, W., Blohm, M., Kaczmirek, L., Neubarth, W. (2007, September). Sampling bias: From face-to-face to web. Workshop on Internet Survey Methodology, Lillehammer, Norway.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2007, March). Internet survey software tools: Using a survey data life cycle approach to assess features and capabilities. ESRC e-Society Programme and Sage Handbook of Online Research Methods Colloquium, London.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2006, May). What software should I use? What are the right questions to be asked? International Field Director's & Technologies Conference (IFD&TC), Montreal, Canada.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2006, April). Usability und Umsetzung von Online-Befragungen. Usability-Kolloquium der Regionalgruppe Saar-Pfalz, GC-UPA, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2005, December). Codes of conduct, ethical guidelines, quality standards. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the WebSM project, Brussels, Belgium.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2005, December). Online Questionnaire Design. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the WebSM project, Brussels, Belgium.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2005, March). Methodische Aspekte in der Onlineforschung. Vortrag zum Unipark-Anwendertag, Hürth, Germany.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2004, November). Online-Befragungen. Vortrag zum Workshop Biografische, kontextbezogene und institutionelle Einflüsse auf das Erwachsenwerden im Prozess des Aufwachsens – Problemdiskussion und Konzeption von Längsschnitten, Deutsches Jugendinstitut, Munich, Germany.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2004, June). Verloren im Informationsdschungel: Auf dem Weg zu besseren Trefferbeschreibungen bei Suchmaschinen. Vortragsreihe Forum junge Wissenschaft, Studium Generale, University of Mannheim, Germany.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2003, August). Usability von Suchmaschinenergebnissen. Last Friday, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
3.2 Conference presentations
- Gweon, H., Schonlau, M., Kaczmirek L., Blohm, M., Steiner, S. (2017). Three Methods for Occupation Coding Based on Statistical Learning. Joint Statistical Meetings, Baltimore, August 2017.
- Kaczmirek, L., Meitinger, K., Behr, D. (2015). Item nonresponse in open-ended questions: Identification and reduction in web surveys. ESRA 2015: 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Reykjavik.
- Kaczmirek, L., Gummer, T., Blumenberg, M. S. (2015). Research potential of Twitter and Facebook in the election year 2013 in Germany. Webdatanet conference, Salamanca.
- Gweon, H., Schonlau, M., Kaczmirek, L. (2015). Semi-automated occupational coding using machine learning. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Halifax.
- Gummer, T., Kaczmirek, L., Blumenberg, M. S. (2014). Zur Nutzbarkeit von Social Media Daten für die Wahlforschung: Konzeptionelle, methodische und interdisziplinäre Herausforderungen. Jahrestagung Sektion "Methoden der Politikwissenschaft" der DVPW, Duisburg-Essen.
- Kaczmirek, L., Mayr, P., Vatrapu R., Bleier, A., Blumenberg, M. S. , Gummer, S. Hansen, K., Hussein, A., Jaffari, Z. A., Kinder-Kurlanda, K. E., Lietz, H., Strohmaier, M., Wagner, C., Weller, K., Wolf, C., Zimmerman, C. J. (2014). PEP-TF: Social media monitoring of the campaigns for the 2013 German Bundestag elections on Facebook and Twitter. Social Media Communication Workshop, Mannheim.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2014). A survey of the uses of paradata. MESS Workshop, Den Haag.
- Meitinger, K., Braun, M., Bandilla, W., Kaczmirek, L., Behr, D. (2014). Ways to uncover cognitive processes: a comparison of cognitive interviewing and online probing. XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama.
- Meitinger, K., Braun, M., Bandilla, W., Kaczmirek, L., Behr, D. (2014). Aspects of measuring national identity: insights from online probing. XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama.
- Schaurer, I., Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L. (2014). Incentives on demand in a probability-based online panel: redemption and the choice between pay-out options. General Online Research (GOR) Conference, Köln.
- Behr, D., Bandilla, W., Kaczmirek, L., Braun, M. (2013). Cognitive probes in web surveys: how the text box size can affect response quality. 66th Annual Conference of the World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR). Boston, 14.-16.05.2013.
- Schaurer, I., Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W. (2013). Combining interviewer and incentive effects in recruitment interviews. 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA). Ljubljana, 15.-19.07.2013.
- Lenzner, T., Kaczmirek, L., Galesic, M. (2013). Does left still feel right? The optimal position of answer boxes in web surveys - revisited. 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA). Ljubljana, 15.-19.07.2013.
- Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L., Schaurer, I., Bandilla, W., (2013). Effects of incentive reduction after a series of higher incentive waves in a probability-based online panel. General Online Research (GOR) Conference. Mannheim, 4-6.03.2013.
- Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W., Schaurer, I., Struminskaya, B., Weyandt, K. (2013). GESIS online panel pilot. Results from a probability-based online access panel. General Online Research (GOR) Conference. Mannheim, 04.-06.03 2013.
- Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W., Schaurer, I., Struminskaya, B., Weyandt, K. (2013). GESIS online panel pilot. Main research questions, pitfalls and findings. Longitudinal Research in Internet Panels. Mannheim, 23.-24.05 2013.
- Meitinger, K., Braun, M., Bandilla, W., Kaczmirek, L., Behr, D., (2013). Lessons learned. Probing in cross-national web surveys. 11th ESA Conference. Turin, 28.-31.08.2013.
- Bandilla, W., Couper, M. P.; Kaczmirek, L. (2013). The effectiveness of mailed Invitations for web surveys. AAPOR 68th Annual Meeting. Boston, 16.05.-19.05.2013.
- Behr, D., Meitinger, K., Braun, M., Bandilla, W., Kaczmirek, L. (2013). Using web probing to assess equivalence in cross-national surveys. 3rd International Conference "Survey Methods in Future Research" (PPSM, DFG). Bremen, 12.-13.09.2013.
- Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L., (2012). Challenges of assessing the quality of a prerecruited probability-based panel of internet users in Germany. The 6th International Total Survey Error Workshop (ITSEW 2012). Santpoort, 02.-04.09.2012.
- Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W., Schaurer, I., Struminskaya, B., Weyandt, K. (2012). Ergebnisse der Pilotstudie GESIS Online Access Panel für die Sozialwissenschaften. 36. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. Bochum, 01.-05.10.2012.
- Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W., Schaurer, I., Struminskaya, B., Weyandt, K. (2012). GESIS online access panel pilot study. Recruitment and panel maintenance. Internet Survey Methods Workshop (ISM). Ljubljana, 14.-16.11.2012.
- Struminskaya, B., Schaurer, I., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W. (2012). Little experience with technology as a cause of nonresponse in online surveys. General Online Research (GOR) Conference. Mannheim, 05.03.-07.03.2012.
- Struminskaya, B., Schaurer, I., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W. (2012). Panel conditioning. Results from two experiments in a probability-based online panel. 67th Annual AAPOR Conference. Orlando, 17.-20.05.2012.
- Schaurer, I., Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W. (2012). The price we have to pay: Incentive experiments in the recruitment process for a probability-based online panel. General Online Research (GOR) Conference. Mannheim, 05.03.-07.03.2012.
- Schaurer, I., Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W. (2011). Asking sensitive questions in a recruitment interview for an online panel: The income question. General Online Research Conference (GOR). Düsseldorf, 14.03.-16.03.2011.
- Schaurer, I., Struminskaya, B., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W. (2011). Asking sensitive questions: Do they affect participation in follow-up surveys? AAPOR 66th Annual Conference. Phoenix, Arizona, 11.05.-15.05.2011.
- Kaczmirek, L., Behr, D., Bandilla, W. (2011). Availability of technologies for online surveys. An international comparison. ASA Conference. Tilburg, 18.05.-20.05.2011.
- Behr, D., Bandilla, W., Kaczmirek, L., Braun, M., Majer, S. (2011). Probing in web surveys & response burden: First results from an international web survey. International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI), London.
- Behr, D., Braun, M., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W., Majer, S. (2011). Measuring xenophobia in cross-national survey research: Findings based on a web probing study. International Conference of the Priority Programme on Survey Methodology (PPSM), Bremen.
- Behr, D., Braun, M., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W. (2011). Testing the validity of gender ideology items by implementing probing questions in web surveys. MESS-Workshop, Oisterwijk, The Netherlands.
- Behr, D., Braun, M., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W. (2011). The use of probing questions in cross-national web surveys - the case of "civil disobedience". 4th European Survey Research Association (ESRA) conference, Lausanne.
- Behr, D., Kaczmirek, L., Braun, M., Bandilla, W. (2011). Category selection probing in online access panels (Poster). AAPOR, Phoenix, AZ.
- Braun, M., Behr, D., Bandilla, W., Kaczmirek, L. (2011). Implementing probing in international web surveys. The case of civil disobedience. Priority Programme on Survey Methodology Workshop, Bremen.
- Braun, M., Behr, D., Kaczmirek, L. (2011). Establishing cross-national equivalence of measures of xenophobia: Evidence from probing in web surveys. WAPOR, Amsterdam.
- Kaczmirek, L., Behr, D., Bandilla, W. (2011). Which technologies do respondents use in online surveys. An international comparison (Poster). AAPOR, Phoenix, AZ.
- Lenzner, T., Kaczmirek, L., Galesic, M., Merkert, M. (2011). Left feels right! The optimal position of answer boxes in web surveys. Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Lausanne.
- Menold, N., Kaczmirek, L., Lenzner, T. (2011). Cognitive processes in answering questions: Are verbal labels in rating scales attended to? 4th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Lausanne.
- Struminskaya, B., Schaurer, I., Bandilla, W., Gabler, Siegfried, Haeder, S., Kaczmirek, L. (2011). Improved cost-effectiveness in mobile surveys using HLR-Lookup. General Online Research Conference (GOR). Düsseldorf, Germany.
- Struminskaya, B., Schaurer, I., Bandilla, W., Kaczmirek, L. (2011). Quality of a probability-based online panel for the social sciences in Germany: first results. 4th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Lausanne.
- Struminskaya, B., Schaurer, I., Bandilla, W., Kaczmirek, L., Gabler, Siegfried, Häder, S. (2011). Response rate calculation in mobile surveys: higher precision in cases of unknown eligibility. AAPOR, Phoenix, AZ.
- Braun, M., Behr, D., Bandilla, W. Kaczmirek, L. (2010, March). Enhancing the validity of intercultural comparative surveys: The use of probing techniques in internet surveys. International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI), Lausanne.
- Braun, M., Bandilla, W., Kaczmirek, L. Behr, D. (2010, April). Enhancing the validity of intercultural comparative surveys: The use of supplemental probing techniques in internet surveys. Arbeitstagung, Priority Programme on Survey Methodology, Bremen.
- Lenzner, T., Kaczmirek, L., Galesic, M. (2010, May). Good or bad? That is the question! Identifying poor survey question wording using eye tracking. General Online Research Conference (GOR), Pforzheim, Germany.
- Lenzner, T., Kaczmirek, L., Galesic, M. (2010, May). Seeing through the eyes of the respondent: An eye-tracking study on survey question comprehension. AAPOR, Chicago, IL.
- Kaczmirek, L., Lenzner, T., Galesic, M. (2009, September). Is this e-mail relevant? An eye-tracking experiment on how potential respondents read e-mail invitations. Internet Survey Methodology (ISM) Workshop, Bergamo, Italy.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2009, May). Panel discussion: Does mixed mode help us increase response rates? International Field Director's & Technologies Conference (IFD&TC), Delray Beach, FL.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2009, May). Respondent-oriented interaction design reduces item nonresponse in internet surveys. AAPOR, Hollywood, FL.
- Faass, T., Kaczmirek, L., Lenzner, A. (2009, May). What are they asking me? A web survey experiment on question clarity and measurement error. AAPOR, FL.
- Menold, N., Kaczmirek, L., Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, J. (2009, April). A literature review on constructing answer formats. General Online Research (GOR), Vienna, Austria.
- Baier, C., Kaczmirek, L., Züll, C. (2009, April). Respondents’ evaluations of questionnaires: A single-item open-ended instrument for quality control in online surveys. General Online Research (GOR), Vienna, Austria.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2009, April). Human-survey interaction: Usability and nonresponse in online surveys. General Online Research (GOR), Vienna, Austria.
- Faass, T., Kaczmirek, L., Lenzner, A. (2008, September). Psycholinguistic determinants of question difficulty: A web experiment. International Conference on Social Science Methodology (RC33), Naples, Italy.
- Czienskowski, U., Liske, N., von Oertzen, T., Kaczmirek, L., Galesic, M., Reips, U.-D. (2008, July). Sources of error in response time measurement in the lab and on the web. XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Berlin.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2008, June). Online research. Kolloquium on Survey Research and Methodology: Research and Services at GESIS, Mannheim, Germany.
- Kaczmirek, L., Faaß, T. (2008, March). Data quality of paradata: A comparison of three response time measures in a randomized online experiment. General Online Research (GOR), Hamburg.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2007, November). Cognition, attention and usability in online surveys. Workshop on Social Research and the Internet: Advances in Applied Methods and New Research Strategies, Mannheim, Germany.
- Galesic, M., Reips, U.-D., Kaczmirek, L., Czienskowski, U., Liske, N., von Oertzen, T. (2007, September). Response time measurements in the lab and on the web: A comparison. Congress of the Swiss Society of Psychology, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2007, July). Survey software. Kolloquium on Survey Research and Methodology: Research and Services at GESIS, Mannheim, Germany.
- Bandilla, W., Blohm, M., Kaczmirek, L., Neubarth, W. (2007, June). Differences between respondents and nonrespondents in an internet survey recruited from a face-to-face survey. European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Prague, Czech Republic.
- Kaczmirek, L., Neubarth, W., Bandilla, W., Watteler, O. (2007, March). Documentation of online surveys. General Online Research (GOR), Leipzig, Germany.
- Neubarth, W., Kaczmirek, L., Hellwig, O. (2007, March). Pure text vs. HTML in email invitations. General Online Research (GOR), Leipzig, Germany.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2006, May). A Short introduction to usability in online surveys. International Field Director's & Technologies Conference (IFD&TC), Montréal, Canada.
- Neubarth, W., Kaczmirek, L., Bosnjak, M., Bandilla, W., Couper, M. P. (2006, May). Does reducing burden pay off? AAPOR, Montréal, Canada.
- Kaczmirek, L., Thiele, O. (2006, March). Flash, Javascript or PHP? Comparing the availability of technical equipment among university applicants (Poster). General Online Research (GOR), Bielefeld, Germany.
- Neubarth, W., Bosnjak, M., Bandilla, W., Couper, M. P., Kaczmirek, L. (2005, September). Prenotification in online surveys: e-mail versus SMS. Consumer Personality and Research Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Kaczmirek, L. (2005, September). Online-Befragungen. Einsatz von Software. Usability Professional Track auf der Mensch und Computer, Linz, Austria.
- Thiele, O., Kaczmirek, L. (2005, July). Flash, Javascript oder PHP? Ein technisch-methodischer Vergleich am Beispiel von Online-Bewerbungen an Universitäten. Methodische Fragen der Onlineforschung, Mannheim, Germany.
- Kaczmirek, L., Neubarth, W. (2005, May). Improving web based intercept surveys. A framework for the active user sampling. AAPOR, Miami, FL.
- Neubarth, W., Bosnjak, M., Bandilla, W., Couper, M. P., Kaczmirek, L. (2005, May). Did you get the message? Using e-mail and SMS for prenotification in web surveys. AAPOR, Miami, Florida.
- Kaczmirek, L., Neubarth, W. (2005, March). Active User Sampling. Intercept surveys without popups (Poster). General Online Research (GOR), Zurich, Switzerland.
Awarded with the second prize for the best poster. - Kaczmirek, L., Neubarth, W., Bosnjak, M., Bandilla, W. (2005, March). Progress indicators in filter based surveys: Individual and dynamic calculation methods. General Online Research (GOR), Zurich, Switzerland.
- Neubarth, W., Kaczmirek, L., Bosnjak, M., Bandilla, W. (2005, March). Using mobile technology to increase responses of people with an active lifestyle. General Online Research (GOR), Zurich, Switzerland.
- Kaczmirek, L., Neubarth, W., Bosnjak, M., Bandilla, W. (2004, August). Progress indicators in filter based surveys: Computing methods and their impact on drop out. [Publication title: Computing methods and their impact on drop out.] International Conference on Social Science Methodology (RC33), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Neubarth, W., Kaczmirek, L., Bandilla, W., Bosnjak, M. (2004, August). Feasibility of a random sample. International Conference on Social Science Methodology (RC33), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Kaczmirek, L., Bosnjak, M., Bandilla, W., Auer, T. (2004, May). Web-based surveys in market and social research: Usage and needs of different user groups in the EU. AAPOR, Phoenix, AZ.
- Kaczmirek, L., Bosnjak, M., Bandilla, W., Auer, T. (2004, March). Web-basierte Umfragen in der Markt- und Sozialforschung – Verwendung und Anforderungen unterschiedlicher Nutzergruppen in der EU. German Online Research (GOR), Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
- Kaczmirek, L., Liebig, C., Schütze, H.-J. (2003, September). Information und Selektion. Gebrauchstauglichkeit der Ergebnisseiten von Suchmaschinen (Poster). 3. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Mannheim, Germany.